Shippen Summer Lawn Concert Series presents...
Pine Leaf Boys
The Pine Leaf Boys is Louisiana's finest and a world-renowned group that, along with youthful exuberance, blend the sounds of Cajun, Zydeco, Swamp-Pop, Country and Soul.
The Summer Lawn Concerts are free to the public. Bring your blankets, lawn chairs, family and friends to Shippen and enjoy the easy going, relaxing and toe-tapping atmosphere.
This is an alcohol, tobacco and drug-free site. All pets will need to be leashed.
This is a carry in/carry out site. Thank you for helping to keep the site clean.
For more information regarding the summer concerts, parking, accessibility and park rules, please visit (Summer Lawn Concerts).
Currently, our driveway is closed to vehicles due to extensive storm damage. Pedestrians should exercise caution if traversing around the damage to reach the portajohns.