Shippen Summer Lawn Concert Series presents...
This Way to the Egress
This Way to the Egress is a steam punk group from Bethlehem, PA that was formed in 2008 and consists of a six-piece ensemble that includes an accordion, tuba, electric guitar, trombone, piano and drums. They incorporate elements of punk, Balkan, Klezmer, blues, reggae, and ragtime with Americana Folk-Rock.
The Summer Lawn Concerts are free to the public. Bring your blankets, lawn chairs, family and friends to Shippen and enjoy the easy going, relaxing and toe-tapping atmosphere.
This is an alcohol, tobacco and drug-free site. All pets will need to be leashed.
This is a carry in/carry out site. Thank you for helping to keep the site clean.
For more information regarding the summer concerts, parking, accessibility and park rules, please visit (Summer Lawn Concerts).